Have you ever seen someone and thought "what the heck are they wearing?"
Perhaps either that person had no friends or didn't understand what compliments their body shape. To know what compliments you first you have to understand what body shape you have.
In the fashion world we use a few different types to describe the masse; let me premise by saying that no one body shape is good or bad, no one celebrity has the perfect body shape but they have stylist who understand those shapes and work to find garments that compliment them.
Some of the most common body shapes are:
Pear -this merely means your top is smaller than your bottom
Inverted Triangle - Means her shoulders are wide and her bottom comes down to a skinny point, generally long skinny legs.
Rectangle - Shoulders hips and thighs are all lined up, surprisingly a lot of runway models have this body shape. Watch the runway closely next time!
Hourglass - The most sought after shape of all, barbie a.k.a coca cola bottle. Your Top and bottom are totally proportionate and your waist cinches in creating the illusion of the "hourglass"
Diamond- This Body Shape carries most bulk in the middle the top and bottom come in to a point.
Apple - I always say this shape is just a spank away from being an hour glass. Your top middle and bottom is all round with no definition.
Which shape are you?
Until Next Time
Lena G
Helping You Find Your Inner G